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Courses and Pricing


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Conversational English

Free Talk, as the students would like to speak about anything that they desire, whether it be for interview skills, learning about everyday things, or generally just want to enhance their teaching abilities


British/American English

The curriculum provided the lessons focused on American/British culture and American /British English if need be


English for beginners 

Teaching English for beginners is fun because you get the satisfaction of them learning new things and it is truly a blessing, you need to know how to focus and teach beginners because everyone thinks its easy, but in reality they need a patient person who is willing to take the time to let them learn at their own pace and let them mature in the lesson by themselves, with guidance.


English job interview prep

Provided with the right lesson plan and advice, I will guide you thoroughly on steps to take when you are in an interview.


English for professionals 

I have taught students that are trying to pursue a better future in their career, so that they can get better jobs or get a promotion or anything that helps them in their work, and by breaking a language barrier they are able to accomplish that.



Teaching English, to someone who is not familiar is not easy, but in time you learn to understand the abilities and capabilities of your students, making it easier to teach them, and making it easier for them to learn from you.


English as a subject

English, was the main purpose allowing students to enhance their English skills would teach them all things they need to know in English, not only as a lesson so that they could understand more about English forms.


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